The boys kind of celebrate a mini milestone, Jeff says mean things that he immediately takes back, Smitty can't stop fucking himself up, Josh is too sober and Reese continues to sing. Also, subterranean Josh, the bottle dump adventure, shitty jobs and walk-outs, the low payoff extra mile, Tom Waits' janitorial experience and Smitty makes things too weird. Join us next week when Jeff tries to make sense of the Dreidel. Enjoy!
The boys are back with rickety bones, busted toes and funny bumps. None of which cannot be remedied with a sharp knife, pills, or time. Jeff is trading off ailments, Smitty is breaking boards and his toes (in that order), Josh has a blue bump and Reese found the roots. Also, Reese makes the shittiest sherpa, Vermont exposes its worst inhabitants, the boys break down racism and homophobia and it sounds like too much work (it's also shitty). Plus, the best Florida News ever, Truth-Time chooses to believe and Macho Madness lives. Plenty more where all that came from. Sit back, relax, let's get weird.
Smitty's megrims, all day squats, the dirty old days, Josh's sordid but not so sordid past, Jeff's storm watch, Reese's people and their creeping ways. Also, weed people, magical hobos, fuck football, Truth-Time wins again, Smitty's early warning swelling, and Jeff's brilliant reality show idea. Plus, Traffic Jerks and the Road Reese spin-off. Way more insanity within. Give it a go, it's worth it. RIP, Ol' Faceless.
November 2017
Originally created as a Live Action Conversational Talk Show by Jeff D'Ottavio and Noah Smith, Truth-Time Theatre later evolved to the audio-only format of a weekly podcast. Every week Jeff and Noah, joined by co-hosts Josh Katz and The Doctor, Big Andy, sit down to answer Emails from listeners, delve into the mundane and insane bullshit of their daily lives, and occasionally cover strange news from around the world.
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